Sowing Aunties

Sowing Aunties

By Frances Kai-Hwa Wang

Issue no 20
An APWT publication
Winning Entry

He laughed at me and my family for saving and reusing—tofu containers, green onion rubber bands, plastic bags, twist ties, takeout containers, glass jars, cookie tins—and he took it upon himself to secretly throw away all that we had carefully saved and washed and stored away. He thought it made us small and poor to reuse. He was big and rich enough to go out to the store to buy things new.

Beta / Meta

Beta / Meta

By Lawdenmarc Decamora

Issue no 20
An APWT publication

Catch a glimpse of my moon-shaped heart / sire a vision / as you sail across my sea of affection / Take a look at my three-bodied musica bolero / singeing (meta)phors / grey skies over disputed waters & remedial Spanish / our Pacific mono no aware w/ second-to-none maritime territorial integrity / What is it like living in your afterglow / when sea & sky never touch each other / & the planet is forever a mystery to explain…