Flow down your moonshine, sip slowly, delicately. It's going to feel like around-the-world-jetlag steady yourself with pieces of bread dipped in olive oil and herbs, slices of pizza, or a kathi roll.
All through my sole visit to Sri Lanka, I was determined to eat nothing but Sinhala food. And so I stuck to eating large quantities of potatoes cooked in the milk of Cocos nucifera, other vegetables cooked in, um, the same milk
It started raining outside my office window. I noticed the droplets running at Godspeed. I realized they are competing with each other. Ferocious; neither of them stopping to think the whyness of the whole situation.
in the scheme of things it is not as momentous as the huge chunk of Greenland’s Peterman Glacier breaking off and drifting out to the open sea, and there exists no NASA satellite image of my heart
The road leads us away from the temple of Pārvatī, from the iris of the spotted hawk, red and gold satin, the smoke of burning dhoop and coconut offerings. Away from bells touched by the fingers of pilgrims.
They never disagreed - Ruby, Tessa, Helium; he didn’t need coping mechanisms. He sowed his oats into soft burgundy strands or in the blonde, or the one with rolling blue eyes.